It's Tuesday, week two of my time in Portland. It's been an interesting time; rather a rollercoaster emotionally. It seems I either feel really good about being here or want to tuck my tail and run back to AZ. Have spent a lot of time alone as my hostesses are working gals and lead very busy lives. I've had too much time to think, which is always trouble. I feel like I've been here for months instead of 10 days. I've had that weird time thing that happens to all of us; sometimes a minute seems like hours and a day seems like a minute. I've been in the minute to hours place. I know things will be better once I have a space here with my art supplies, books, etc. And once I have a job. Right now I'm in that limbo state, just floating, not quite sure what to do with myself.
Ok, now for the good stuff. I went to a happy hour on Friday night with a new friend that I met at the Sunday meet and greet party my friends here had for me. It was really fun! I met some nice gals, had good conversation, and got a little info on the art scene here.
Saturday I went down to the Portland Saturday Market, which they hold every weekend from March thru December. There were a lot of vendors there and some really nice work; crafts and fine art. I thoroughly enjoyed my time there. Then Saturday night I went out with my friends from the happy hour the night before to a couple of dance events here. We had a great time. It was really good for me to get out, laugh, and just have fun. And dance, which I haven't done in I can't remember when.
Sunday was the Irvington Home tour. It's the neighborhood I'm staying in, and it's filled with big beautiful old homes. It was a treat to get a glimpse of some of these homes. After the tour, I stopped over for a wine and cheese party at one of my new friends' houses. A small group of us went out for sushi after. I have to say, people here are very friendly and welcoming. I felt instantly included with this group, easy conversation, relaxed and warm. Just lovely.
Yesterday, I found an apartment. It's just down the road from my friends' house in a nice, small apartment complex surrounded by beautiful old homes. The rent is incredibly cheap for the area, and I feel so fortunate to have found it. There's a possibility that an even better apartment may open up soon, and if so, I'll be taking that one. The nice thing about the one I found yesterday is that there's no lease. It's a perfect transition home.
So, that's the update for now. Will write more soon.